
Письмо от Секции 64 и Секции чекерса в Исполком ФМЖД

В преддверии сегодняшнего заседания Исполкома ФМЖД в Мали Секции 64 и чекерса в совместном заявлении высказали общую позицию по вопросу участия своих спорсменов в Sport Accord World Mind Games.

Приводим текст письма в Исполком ФМЖД:



To: Mr. Harry Otten, President FMJD, Executive Board Members FMJD.


12th November 2010


Today the undersigned people have decided to write an open letter to you regarding the 1st Sport Accord World Mind Games being hosted in Beijing, China, during 2nd – 11th September 2011. This was announced yesterday. This is good news for Mind Sports and great news for the Draughts family.

It is clear that this has been in the planning stage for quite some time. We note you’re Email of 12th September 2010 to us where you wrote “The tournament should host the real top players of the world who will need to qualify through Grand Slam tournaments and I’m also working to get those organized.

Section 64 (Russian & Brazil), and Checkers (Anglo-American) have many questions to ask about this:


Why have we not been invited to participate at this event?

How can you claim that the best players in the World will be there when World Champions’ at Draughts 64, and Checkers are not invited?

How many places have been made available and how many of these are going to Officials, Referees, and others instead of going to players?

Who has decided on these numbers?


Your statement mentions that arrangements are being made to organise ‘Grand Slam Tournaments’ and this would suggest to us that these decisions have already been made. We are saying to you ‘Stop and Think!’

We do understand that the FMJD was originally designed to promote International 10×10 draughts, but through its history it has had to adapt and change in order to make progress. Part of that development has been the coming together of 10×10, Draughts 64, and Checkers, to improve our hopes of raising the game to a higher level and status. It is true to say that  ‘Our strength is in the unity of Draughts’.

There are no ‘poor relations’ in the family of draughts. Each of us are as passionate about our variant of the game as others are. The officials and representatives from the ‘Draughts 64’ and ‘Checkers’ sections believe that it is our right to participate in this event as without us the 10×10 game would not be attending these games either.

The decisions being made at Bamako, Mali, in the next few days are about much more than the 1st Sport Accord Mind Games (2011). They are about the relationships that exist within the FMJD and more importantly the outcome of these decisions will shape the FMJD’s future. This decision has the potential to greatly strengthen this family of Draughts, or the potenial to do great damage to it. Therefore we ask that you give very carefull attention to these deliberations.

‘Draughts 64’ and ‘Checkers’ sections are making a joint proposals to this meeting. It is our understanding that there have been thirty places made available for players and officials at these Sport Accord Games. Our proposal includes 3 variants :

1)      Draughts 64’ and ‘Checkers’ sections should receive six of these places each, with twelve places going to 10×10 men and six places going to 10×10 women. Officials, referee’s and others should go to SMAG for money of the FMJD their own sections.

2)      Draughts 64’ and ‘Checkers’ sections should receive five of these places each, with twelve places going to 10×10 men and eight places going to 10×10 women. Officials, referee’s and others should go to SMAG for money of their own sections, 1 player for Draughts 64’ and ‘Checkers’ sections each should go to SMAG for money of their own sections.

3)      Draughts 64’ and ‘Checkers’ sections should receive six of these places each, with twelve places going to 10×10 men and eight places going to 10×10 women. Officials, referee’s and others should go to SMAG Officials, referee’s and others should go to SMAG for money of their own sections. This way we should ask organizers to give us extra two places.


This must be the basis  for any negotiation on this subject.





Mr. Vladimir Langin,                                                   Mr. Hugh Devlin,

President ,                                                                 President,

FMJD Draughts 64 Section                                         FMJD Checkers Section.


Signed :                                                                     Signed :

Mr. Alexander Nikiforov,                                             Mr. John Reade,

Secretary,                                                                  Secretary,

FMJD Draughts 64 Section                                        FMJD Checkers Section.

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